Hey everyone! I am back from my unannounced and unplanned hiatus!

I wasn’t planning on leaving this blog for so long, it just kind of happened. Basically I went back to Vancouver for a month and things were way busier there than I anticipated. I didn’t really have the time or motivation to write blogs, I couldn’t think of anything to write anyway, so I figured that I would just take the time to rest up and come back fresh once I was back home! And here I am, back home.

I haven’t taken a break from everything though. I’ve actually been writing like crazy, finishing my first draft of The Last Dragon Rider and already getting 17k words into the next draft! It’s been an exciting process and it’s definitely a WIP that I am feeling more and more confident about as the day goes on. I also got a Critique Partner, which most people involved in the writing community know about, but if you don’t it is someone who you can discuss your WIP with, exchange chapters, and help each other grow.

But now I am back! I still am looking for a way to post more on this blog, more than just writing tips. My life isn’t exactly thrilling to blog about but my writing might be, so I’ll try an incorporate that more into posts because people do seem to like reading about someone’s more specific experiences than just vague writing tips. (At least, that’s what I’ve noticed in the trends of my blog) Anyway, I’m still going to post every Monday, so look out for posts, and as always if you have any suggestions for posts feel free to leave them in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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